Sous-verres, sous-fesses, platter, pillows, cushions, tobacco-pouch, binoccular-pouch, purse, handbag, computer-bar, piggy-bank, tea-pot warmer, warm-water-bottle case, bottle wrapping, thermos for bottle, clay-seaweed-wool bricks, plaster-fibre, carpet, blanket, camping-mat, sleeping bag, paravent, wall hangings, accoustic traps, microphone-hood, lampshades, candle-holders, scrub wraped soa, slippers, jackets, hats are some of the objects created in the hands-on research of the wools' propperties. 

Designing and crafting objects, useful, cutting-edge or precious, is part of the applied research on the wool. 

All objects are produced with local wool, selected personally, washed by hand, opened and carded by the same hands, wet-felted in several stages, hand-sewn, embroidered and distibuted personally.  I take orders for tailor-made objects and do sell the production yet, the aim goes beyond producing lines of commodity goods destined for consumption. The aim is to contaminate.


Protective Wrapping



Building Material

and more